



Benecare has provided residential childcare from 2007 and is one of the largest providers in Kent offering 16 beds to Local Authorities for children and young people aged 8 to 18. “Care without compromise” is our commitment and the guiding principle in all that we do. We never forget that the child comes first and our reputation has been established through working with complex needs cases from all over the country. In 2007 our objective was to offer a bespoke service for local authority commissioners and 17 years later this remains the case.

Many authorities are now seeking complex needs places which require multi-layered inputs from professionals and related agencies and Benecare is well placed to meet these requirements. We have always adopted a flexible and resourceful approach in meeting demands from our colleagues for children who are often “difficult to place”.

For Benecare this means that we place great emphasis on “matching” the children and young people to any one of our homes; we endeavour always to provide the best residential opportunity for the child or young person and if we are unable to make a match then we will tell you so.

Our service provision is resilient and we embody the principle that revolves around preferring to ensure that each of the children we care for has another chance when things go wrong. This means that our placements are often long-standing and that the Homes consist of settled residential groups for often protracted periods of time – we do not have schools within our Homes or offer a school’s service. We prefer to enable our children and young people to settle down and then secure for them equitable education opportunities within the local communities.


At Benecare we provide a safe and protective environment for children and young people aged 8-18. We believe in true educational opportunity and have created homes which prioritise re-integration for the children in our care. Our care team are child care professionals and include qualified staff who are dedicated to ensuring the best for the children we care for. Managed by a team of highly experienced Health and Social Care professionals, with public, private and voluntary care backgrounds, the delivery of services by Benecare is bound to be exceptional.



Our staff are our backbone. Training is crucial. We teach staff and nurture staff. However, we always remember that working with children and young people who are challenging presents often great difficulties and stresses. This is why we look for a particular facet of character when we take our staff on which at its root is vocational – the best staff, and the staff that remain and provide consistency and quality to our homes, are always child-centred.

That is why we insist on a “speak freely” culture for our staff – we will always enable and encourage whistleblowing and ensure that all routes to this are known and well-advertised.