Each of our Homes provides a dedicated handbook for potential residents to look at pre-placement. The example below is a compilation of average content for our children’s guides.


Your arrival to the home

The layout of the home Ground Floor


Layout of home Up stairs

Our commitment to you


What to expect

What we would like from you


Our daily routine

House Meetings

Things to do in the local area

Example of activity planner

If you need your day broken down further to better support you then this is something we can do.

Your Key Worker

This is an adult in the home who will support you with the following;

Keeping you safe

To make sure we keep you safe we will do the following;

Seeing family and friends

How much money will be allocated to me?

You will be allocated money in accordance with your age on a weekly basis. The table below is a guide to what you will receive weekly. Your savings will be given to you when you are 18. Pocket money is given on Saturday after cleaning your bedroom.

The home has Wi-Fi and this can be used by all in the home. As long as your Social Worker agrees that you can have access to the internet. You may also be able to have a mobile phone once agreed in your care plan. We do checks on the internet and devices used with in the home to ensure everyone is staying safe.

Age Pocket Money Clothing Money Savings Chores Incentives Independence Money
8-12 £8 £10 £10 Up to £3.50 Up to £7 x
12-14 £9 £10 £10 Up to £3.50 Up to £7 x
15-18 £10 £10 £10 Up to £3.50 Up to £7 £20


Every child and young person at Mulberry Court will receive support and guidance this may be through an Independent Advocate.

Advocacy – An Advocate is there to support your choices. For example, they can:

What to do if you are feeling sad or unhappy

We want everyone in the Home to feel safe, secure and happy. Sometimes for what ever reason there may be times when you may not feel happy or maybe don’t understand a decision that has been made. There may be something from your past, a problem at school or something within the Home. We always encourage you to talk with an adult in the Home about this first. Who can talk through this with you and help with any worries? We might need to talk to other people like a teacher or Social Worker to get the best outcomes for you.

How to Make a Complaint

Adults in the Home will help you to make a complaint if you feel unhappy about any of the care you have received. If you feel your rights have not been met you have the right to complain.
It may be helpful to try and resolve the matter by talking to your key workers, the management team or an adult you trust to try and solve any issues.
If you are still not happy with the outcome then we can give you a complaints form and this will then be given to management to be looked into.
All complaints will be taken seriously.

Complaints Procedure

You can ask an adult and they will provide you with a complaints form, these are kept in the office or in the complaints folder in the games room.
The complaints form will then be given to a manager to look into.
If your complaint is about a manager then the complaint will be dealt with by another person outside of the Home.
Management will talk to you to investigate your complaint.
Management will keep you informed while they investigate.
The management team will discuss ways to make things better for you and will clarify that you are happy with the outcome of the complaint.